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I am Associate Professor in Computer Science within the Department of Computer Science and Media Technology of the Faculty of Technology and Society of Malmö University (Malmö, Sweden). I am also a Vice Director of the Sustainable Digitalisation Research Centre (SDRC) at Malmö University.
I hold 2 ASNs (Italian National Scientific Habilitations) as Assoc. Prof., one in Computer Science and one in Engineering (ASN 01/B1 – INFORMATICA, Seconda Fascia PA and ASN 09/H1 - SISTEMI DI ELABORAZIONE DELLE INFORMAZIONI, Seconda Fascia).

My research is mainly in the field of Software Engineering (SE) and Internet of Things (IoT) and includes Artificial Intelligence (AI) / Machine Learning (ML) . The main research areas in which my investigations focus on, including their overlap, are: IoT Engineering, Software Architectures, Machine Learning, Interoperability, and Self-Adaptive systems. Some of the application areas I investigate are for instance: Smart Cities, Smart Building, Edge Computing, and (Web) Services -to mention few.

I currently lead the main Synergy research project: “Intelligent and Trustworthy IoT Systems” The project is in collaboration with companies (Ericsson, Sony Nordic, Sony Network Communications Nordics, Axis Communications, Sigma Technology Solutions, Cetetherm, Crossbreed, Infonomy) within the IoTaP Research Center and financed by the Swedish Knowledge Foundation (KKS) (Budget: 40 000 000 SEK / 3 6000 000 EUR).

I was PC Co-Chair of ICSA 2024! The 21st International Conference on Software Architecture, Hyderabad, India (June 4-8).
I was General Co-Chair of IOTSMS 2024! The 11th International Conference on Internet of Things: Systems, Management and Security, that we hosted in Malmö, Sweden (Sept. 2-5).

I am Program Director, together with Assistant Professor Fahed Alkhabbas, of "Computer Science: Internet of Things two-year master’s programme", Faculty of Technology and Society, Malmö University (Started in Fall term, 2023).

I recently succesfully concluded the AVANS project, for which I was main applicant and leader, and financed by the Swedish Knowledge Foundatio (KKS). The aim was to develop a master program in the Internet of Things ( "Computer Science: Internet of Things two-year master’s programme") in collaboration with companies (Budget: 3 300 000 SEK / 300 000 EUR).

Please, refer to the specific pages for more detailed information and do not hesitate to contact me!